The current PayScale “Develop a Market-Based Pay Structure” marketing publication is deceptive, inaccurate, and, given the apparent quality of their data, could set you up for a [...]
Listen to them. I contemplated just “dropping the mic” and walking away after saying that, but felt compelled to explain. In the last few months we’ve had numerous calls and [...]
While this is known primarily as a human resources focused blog, we frequently reach out into other areas of FQHC operations when they have an impact on what we do. Right now, the biggest hot [...]
How exactly does an FQHC best achieve its mission? My answer has always been that an FQHC needs to stop thinking in “non-profit” terms and all its attendant baggage, and rather focus [...]
One of the silliest statistics that pundits obsess over is the “CEO Pay Ratio” — the percentage by which the pay of the Chief Executive Officer exceeds that of the average [...]
Okay, I’ve had it. Normally, while known for being opinionated about my profession, and having climbed up on several metaphorical soap boxes in my time, I can take a lot. Today, not so [...]
Not too long ago I had the opportunity to spend several days with a health center working through a job evaluation exercise. What makes this client somewhat unique is that the CEO has a human [...]
Not too long ago I had the opportunity to spend several days with a health center working through a job evaluation exercise. What makes this client somewhat unique is that the CEO has a human [...]
There are competing problems in compensation management to deal with, competing mostly to be the factor that creates the most bad decisions — a misguided direction toward over-reliance on [...]